Ticker: EGG
Contract Address:
Chain: UltronGlow (URC20)
The basics
EGG is the cute token that powers the PenguinSwap ecosystem.
Earn EGG from Igloo and Seafood Pools, win it in the lottery, or buy it on the exchange, then explore its use cases:
Stake it in Seafood Pools to earn free tokens
Use it in Igloo Icing to earn more EGG
Buy Lottery tickets in the PenguinSwap Lottery
Participate in IIO Token Sales
Create your Penguin Profile and mint NFTs
Vote on proposals relating to the PenguinSwap ecosystem
But that's not all -- there's much more on the horizon for EGG!
In detail
Check below to discover the nuts and bolts of how EGG works.
EGG TokenomicsControlling EGG supply****
Last updated